Training 02.07.2024

Big progress today! Nice Bench Press session, and (scaled) Wall Walks went much better than they have before.

Last 1Rm Bench Press was 195# so today’s work was based off of that.


  • 5 x 3 Bench Press @ 80% of 1RM (156, but went to 160)


5 Sets (E4MOM)

  • 5 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 5 Shuttle Runs
  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 5 Shuttle Runs

Target was 3:00, and I’m not in good enough shape to make that. However, my goal was to get the Wall Walks done every round. I’m not kidding when I say that over the last year if Wall Walks were in the workout I stayed in bed. They are very hard for me. I guess building up the shoulder strength is starting to pay off. If I can get through whatever Open workout pops up just scaling the Wall Walks I’ll be super stoked.