5 x 3 Deadlift @ 80% of 1RM in early January
1Rm back in January was 335#. So 268. I went with 270# across all 5 sets. It was heavy, but felt very good.
“Leaning Tower of Pisa”
7:00 AMRAP
- 7 Hang Power Snatch (75#)
- 7 Box Jump Overs (24″)
Got in 5 full rounds plus 9 more reps.
Open Prep
- 1:00 Max Burpee Chest to Bar
- 2:00 AMRAP – 7 C2B, 2 Shuttle Runs
- 1:00 Max Burpee Chest to Bar
Nothing wrong with a little open prep. I was happy to hit the Chest to Bars. Reps were low, about 5 reps on the burpees and only about 1.5 rounds on the 2:00 AMRAP. Still having decent C2B is very nice though.