
CrossFit Games Open Workout 24.1

Woof, it’s been a wild couple of weeks. Lots of travelling and stuff going on. Last Tuesday I woke up sick (not COVID thank god), and it’s taken me a lot of days to get to feeling better again. Nasty cough has kept me from sleeping well and going to the gym. But I could NOT let that deter me from getting this workout in. I’m a Cheer Dad, and we are travelling to Dallas early in the morning for a competition and won’t be back until Monday. So I had to find a way to get this workout done before Friday. Luckily the folks that own the gym I go to, CrossFit OT, said I could come in and get it done Thursday evening. This is the first Open workout I’ve done since 2019. Even if I look at 2017 and 2018 I didn’t even put in scores for all 5 workouts. There were 5 back then. Now we only have 3.

Anyway, I want to talk a little bit about going to this gym that I am going to now. Since 2009 I have either been a gym owner or been part of the staff in a way where I felt like I was supposed to be there. If that makes any sense. This is my first CrossFit experience at a gym that I either didn’t own or was part of the staff in some way. CrossFit can be intimidating. Especially if you walk in fat and out of shape. There are a lot of athletes and super fit people just crushing workouts. What I know though from my experience is that people are just people. Even if they are total badasses. There’s no reason to be intimidated. We are all just trying to better ourselves. When I got to the gym to do this workout there was one of those badass athletes there. She wound up judging me and I was really proud. I guess the moral of the story is, don’t be intimidated. A good coach or a good person just wants you to be better and reach your goals. Nobody is looking down on you.

On to the workout. This was tough. I went with 35#. I think that I’m just going to ride out the scaled division this year. I know muscle ups will come, and I don’t think I even need to attempt those. On top of that I’m a scaled athlete at this point. I’m good with that. Just being in the room and showing up makes me feel great. Going into the workout I figured I’d probably not make it through the round of 15’s. Burpees are just terrible for me right now. It’s harder when you weigh a lot more than you should. ๐Ÿ™‚ Since I had a couple coaches there pushing me I just kept moving. I got through 171 reps. I think that’s through the round of 15’s and maybe one burpee. I was definitely in the pain cave, but I felt like I didn’t stop too much. I never reached for my water bottle which is a crutch I’ve leaned on a lot lately. It’s a tough one, so don’t underestimate it. Keep moving and get it done.

Training 02.13.2024

Had some work to do at the river this weekend so had a couple days off from the gym. Had a nice work day of splitting would and hauling logs, so it wasn’t all lazy time. ๐Ÿ™‚


5 x 2 Deadlifts at 85% 1RM from early January (335) – 285# for me today.


5 Sets (E3MOM)

  • 10 Calorie Bike
  • 15 Wall Balls (20)
  • 45 Double Unders

Cutoff was 2:30/round in order to have 30 seconds of rest. I made it the first two round (2:22 and 2:24) then bonked on the next two rounds. I made it through 26 dubs the 3rd round and 20 dubs the 4th round. Then finished the 5th round in 2:36.

This was a tough one to try to hang on to. I definitely felt the couple days off, and poor sleep. ๐Ÿ™‚



Training 02.08.2024



  • 5 x Power Clean + Push Jerk (85#)


For Time (14 Minute Cap)

  • 75 Air Squats
  • 25 Push Ups
  • 50 Wall Balls (20#)
  • 25 Push Ups
  • 75 Air Squats

A year ago we did this same workout, and I capped out at 14 minutes. I wish I’d made a note of how far I got. Today I finished in 11:34 so I’d say that’s pretty good progress! I’m guessing that last year the push ups killed me. I was able to get through them a lot easier than I have been in recent years. Wall Balls are just killer.



Training 02.07.2024

Big progress today! Nice Bench Press session, and (scaled) Wall Walks went much better than they have before.

Last 1Rm Bench Press was 195# so today’s work was based off of that.


  • 5 x 3 Bench Press @ 80% of 1RM (156, but went to 160)


5 Sets (E4MOM)

  • 5 Shuttle Runs (50ft)
  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 5 Shuttle Runs
  • 2 Wall Walks
  • 5 Shuttle Runs

Target was 3:00, and I’m not in good enough shape to make that. However, my goal was to get the Wall Walks done every round. I’m not kidding when I say that over the last year if Wall Walks were in the workout I stayed in bed. They are very hard for me. I guess building up the shoulder strength is starting to pay off. If I can get through whatever Open workout pops up just scaling the Wall Walks I’ll be super stoked.




Training 02.06.2024

I woke up with a sense of urgency this morning that I have not felt before. I feel like I’m waking up to the reality of how far I let myself slip into…unfitness. ๐Ÿ™‚ I need to start pushing a little harder.


  • Back Squat 5 x 3 at 80% of 1RM in January

I started with a true 80% of that weight, 180#. That was too light. I pushed it up to 200 at the end. 180, 180, 180, 185, 200.


4 Rounds

  • 12 Calorie Bike
  • 15 Knee Raises
  • 100 Ft. Farmer Carry with 50# DB’s
  • 5 Burpee Pull Ups

Finished in 13:38. I’m approaching workouts now with the idea that I’ll be scaling the open. So if the workout calls for T2B, like this one, I’m doing knee raises.

Training 02.05.2024


5 x 3 Deadlift @ 80% of 1RM in early January

1Rm back in January was 335#. So 268. I went with 270# across all 5 sets. It was heavy, but felt very good.


“Leaning Tower of Pisa”


7:00 AMRAP

  • 7 Hang Power Snatch (75#)
  • 7 Box Jump Overs (24″)

Got in 5 full rounds plus 9 more reps.

Open Prep

  • 1:00 Max Burpee Chest to Bar
  • 2:00 AMRAP – 7 C2B, 2 Shuttle Runs
  • 1:00 Max Burpee Chest to Bar

Nothing wrong with a little open prep. I was happy to hit the Chest to Bars. Reps were low, about 5 reps on the burpees and only about 1.5 rounds on the 2:00 AMRAP. Still having decent C2B is very nice though.





Saturday Movement & Thoughts I

CrossFit is weird, man. You start and before you know it you’ve drank the “Kool Aid”, started listening to the Training Think Tank podcast, looking at previous CrossFit Games leaderboards, make new friends, and start making plans to overcome your weaknesses. Sounds terrible doesn’t it? It’s so weird how that works. I can feel myself getting sucked in again and I love it. I have a lot of work to do, but am lucky to have such a great community to be inspired by.

Today I wanted to just move. 5 days in a row of CrossFit requires a little recovery at this point. So today’s Rx was 1 Mile Walk, 1 Mile Jog, 1 Mile Walk. For the last 13 years or so, running has been my sport. I’m trying not to force that this time around though. I want things to happen organically. If I’m interested in it, I’ll do it. Once I have a better grasp on my health and fitness I’ll start making some longer goals. Right now, I just want to get better at Wall Walks and Burpees and stop being a fat ass. ๐Ÿ™‚


Friday Check In I


“Asiago Bagel” (Scaled)


  • Thrusters (95#)


  • Pull Ups

So Rx for 40+ was 115#. I thought a lot about attempting that, but decided to just go with 95#.ย  This was the right decision. ๐Ÿ™‚ I finished in 13:55. Considering how taxing this can be for the shoulders I held it together pretty well.

I weighed in this morning at 212#. A little disappointing, but I know there are still a lot of changes that I need to make. Nutrition being the biggest hurdle. A big WIN this week though is that for the 2nd week in a row I was up every day at 5AM and at the gym for the 6AM class. This is something I have struggled with in a BIG way for the last couple of years. It’s been too easy for me to make an excuse to just stay in bed. I feel like I have finally broken through that wall, and am really focused on training. Starting this blog was probably the best motivation for me.

I’m looking forward to the next couple of weeks, and seeing what progress I can make in the first real month of getting back in the groove.


Training: 02.01.2024


10 x 5 Power Snatch

Stayed with 65# throughout. I really want to start working on getting better overhead and fixing my shoulder issues. Just focused on technique today with lighter weight.


8 Sets

  • 30 seconds max dumbbell bench press (25#)
  • 30 seconds max situps
  • 30 seconds rest

Stayed around 12 reps on each set. The bench felt great.

Training: 01.31.2024


  • 5 x 5 Bench Press @ 75% of 1RM

145 lbs. today which is fantastic for me. Big progress and feeling very good about it. 1RM right now is an ugly 195 lbs.


15 Minute AMRAP (Independence)

  • 10 x 50′ Shuttle Run
  • 5 Wall Walks
  • 10 x 50′ Shuttle Run
  • 15 x Deadlifts @ 155 lbs.

It’s safe to say that I haven’t done wall walks ever really since they first started showing up in CrossFit workouts. I still struggle a good bit with shoulder strength, and it is very frustrating to face a movement like this. But, I signed up for the Open this year so I have to face this demon head on. ๐Ÿ™‚

I got in 2 rounds and about halfway through the next set of shuttle runs. The wall walks were very scaled. I’m going to have to focus on nailing just the scaled standards in this upcoming Open. It will be a task, and we know they will be prescribed.