“Asiago Bagel” (Scaled)
- Thrusters (95#)
- Pull Ups
So Rx for 40+ was 115#. I thought a lot about attempting that, but decided to just go with 95#. This was the right decision. 🙂 I finished in 13:55. Considering how taxing this can be for the shoulders I held it together pretty well.
I weighed in this morning at 212#. A little disappointing, but I know there are still a lot of changes that I need to make. Nutrition being the biggest hurdle. A big WIN this week though is that for the 2nd week in a row I was up every day at 5AM and at the gym for the 6AM class. This is something I have struggled with in a BIG way for the last couple of years. It’s been too easy for me to make an excuse to just stay in bed. I feel like I have finally broken through that wall, and am really focused on training. Starting this blog was probably the best motivation for me.
I’m looking forward to the next couple of weeks, and seeing what progress I can make in the first real month of getting back in the groove.