CrossFit is weird, man. You start and before you know it you’ve drank the “Kool Aid”, started listening to the Training Think Tank podcast, looking at previous CrossFit Games leaderboards, make new friends, and start making plans to overcome your weaknesses. Sounds terrible doesn’t it? It’s so weird how that works. I can feel myself getting sucked in again and I love it. I have a lot of work to do, but am lucky to have such a great community to be inspired by.
Today I wanted to just move. 5 days in a row of CrossFit requires a little recovery at this point. So today’s Rx was 1 Mile Walk, 1 Mile Jog, 1 Mile Walk. For the last 13 years or so, running has been my sport. I’m trying not to force that this time around though. I want things to happen organically. If I’m interested in it, I’ll do it. Once I have a better grasp on my health and fitness I’ll start making some longer goals. Right now, I just want to get better at Wall Walks and Burpees and stop being a fat ass. 🙂